The Ultimate Plan


Your Ultimate Plan Will Be Unique and Perfectly Suited to a Pinnacle of Venture Success.


Your current and future ideal corporate structures are of intense interest to your investors and business partners, almost as much as the Business Model. By this we mean not LLC or incorporation alternatives, but management, channels, international objectives, partnering, and the many other constructive bulding blocks to a powerhouse market force. How will you nail this?

Architecting enLego

The Chart at left deepens a companion chart that gives an overview of the building blocks of getting to the named Ultimate Objectives. Click here to go to Architecting enTempo. A further expanded mezzanine growth stage is illustrated as Architecting enMezzo. in Ultimate Feasibility.

If this chart looks a little unstable and rickety, it is ! It is after all a speculative plan that may collapse on itself at any time, if the building blocks are weak, or the task too heavy. Surprises kill.

For More Detail, contact Ultimate Plan Consultants at for a brief conversation with experts ... we are pleased to give some advice and guide you to achieving your ultimate business objectives, whether you buy our time or not. In the meantime, we hope that the information provided, and more to come on these pages in future, will already get you on your way as directly and efficiently as possible. These pages show you the modules and additional characteristics of your presentations that you must have for ultimate persuasive success.

Michael Hentschel, Founder

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