The Ultimate Plan
Your Ultimate Plan Will Be Unique and Perfectly Suited to a Pinnacle of Venture Success.
Strategy is the way that the building blocks are managed and organized to provide the upward path of any venture organization. It is up to the Plan Architects to articulate those strategies, by words, charts, and other visual means.
Growth is the 3-dimensional result of upward bias, and it is more of a spiral, or multiple spirals in a helix, than it is a linear process of incremental change. THAT is acceleration.
Some of the new changes, both on the upside and downside, are inconveniently catastrophic rather than gradual, and thus difficult to predict. But the risks must be known at every turn, and investors in a plan must gain confidence from the risks having been thought through.
ID in the illustration to the right represents Intelligent Design, the last ingredient before truly significant acceleration can be expected. All of the other building blocks and issue need to be established first, and that knowledge will create a certain velocity of productive business, commerce in motion.
Business will not truly take off until management leadership provides an intelligent design for the whole. It is proper perception of this design, sometimes oversimplified as the business model, sometimes incorrectly portrayed as genius, that draws investors and market partners to the Ultimate Plan.
Ultimate Plan: Ideas and a recognition of apparent needs are first combined in a vision that inspires a team to turn the idea into a marketable product and venture. This brings the business into motion, to address or form a market that has enough staying power to turn the venture into an entity with sustainable velocity of revenues, achieved by a virtual or actual salesforce using superior customer relationships via some top CRM approach under the guidance of the enterprise leader, who provides intelligent design of the whole strategy. Acceleration ensues.
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Successful Business Plans:
As investment fund managers and venture operating team members, TechVest Principals have reviewed more than 6000 Business Plans and advised more than 100 Ventures and Venture Capital Funds, notably the following:
Investment Banking & Venture Capital Management
Bio- and Medical Ventures
Telecommunications Ventures
Software and other Entrepreneurial Ventures
Other Entrepreneurial Ventures
International Expansion Implementation