The Ultimate Plan


Your Ultimate Plan Will Be Unique and Perfectly Suited to a Pinnacle of Venture Success.


Growth acceleration turns velocity into geometric possibilities, and turns profits into an investment multiplier that can be the difference between an extraordinary IRR and a lukewarm success or even a living-dead zombie. Accelerants are fuel on the fire, but they obviously need to be used wisely. And in the Ultimate Plan, they need to be predicted and pre-viewed. The right future strategy for accelerants needs to be articulated from the outset, and if this is done well, it can be the main compelling element to raise money. If it is not done well, the accelerants might just burn down the entire edifice. Managing is the intelligence of power judiciously applied to each of the critical  building blocks to construct a lasting enterprise whose insecure and evolving parts are held together and supported in a stable structure and ultimate credibility instead of just belief. The key is to provide that ultimate credibility as much as possible today by showing a realizable plan.


For More Detail, contact Ultimate Plan Consultants at for a brief conversation with experts ... we are pleased to give some advice and guide you to achieving your ultimate business objectives, whether you buy our time or not. In the meantime, we hope that the information provided, and more to come on these pages in future, will already get you on your way as directly and efficiently as possible. These pages show you the modules and additional characteristics of your presentations that you must have for ultimate persuasive success.

Time is indeed money. Wasted time is costly not so much in paying the wrong people, but in losing your time to market that could have been spent growing and operating the business profitably.

Michael Hentschel, Founder

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